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Ghost Riders in the Sky (A Cowboy Legend)




An old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day,
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way,

Un vecchio cowboy stava cavalcando in un giorno buio e tempestoso
si fermò al passo mentre andava lungo la sua strada

When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw,

quando tutto a un tratto vide una possente mandria di vacche dagli occhi rossi

A-plowin' through the ragged skies and up a cloudy draw.
Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, ghost herd in the sky.

che irrompeva come da uno squarcio nel cielo nuvoloso
Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, la mandria fantasma nel cielo

Their brands were still on fire and their hooves were
made of steel, 
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel, 

Le loro marchiature erano ancora infuocate e i loro zoccoli erano fatti di acciaio
le loro corna erano nere e luccicanti e si poteva sentire il loro fiato bollente. 

A bolt of fear shot through him as he looked up in the sky, for he saw the riders comin' hard and he heard their mournful cry.

Un sussulto di paura lo attraversò quando guardò lassù nel cielo, perché vide i cavalieri irrompere e sentì il loro lugubre canto

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, ghost riders in the sky.

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, i cavalieri fantasma nel cielo

Their faces were gaunt, their eyes were blurred, their shirts all
soaked with sweat,
They're riding hard to catch that herd, but they ain't caught 'em yet,

I loro visi erano macilenti, i loro occhi erano velati, 
le loro camicie inzuppate di sudore.
Cavalcavano tenacemente per riprendere la loro mandria, ma non erano ancora riusciti a recuperarla

For they've got to ride forever on that range up in the sky,

perché erano condannati a cavalcare per sempre in questa parte di cielo

for they've got to catch the devil's herd, as they ride on hear them cry.

perché dovevano riprendere la mandria del diavolo, e mentre cavalcavano potevi sentirli piangere

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, ghost riders in the sky.

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, i cavalieri fantasma nel cielo

The cowpokes rode on past him and he heard one call his name,

I cowboy passarono cavalcando sopra la sua testa e sentì uno di loro chiamare il suo nome,

If you want to save your soul from hell a-riding on a range,
Then cowboy change your ways today, or with us you will ride,

"Se vuoi salvare la tua anima dalla condanna a cavalcare per sempre,
allora cowboy cambia il tuo comportamento oggi, oppure cavalcherai con noi,

A-trying to catch the devil's herd across these endless skies.
Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, ghost riders in the sky.

tentando di riprendere la mandria del diavolo attraverso questi cieli senza fine"

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, ghost riders in the sky.

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo, i cavalieri fantasma nel cielo





Si tratta di una delle più celebri canzoni scritte per celebrare la epopea del West. Ripresa da John Landis e dai Blues Brothers nel sequel Blues Brothers 2000. La canzone in stile western è stata scritta da Stan Jones nel 1949 e pubblicata su disco la prima volta da Burl Ives nel 1949. Incisa da molti altri interpreti, tra cui Bing Crosby, The Shadows (solo strumentale) e Johnny Cash, è diventata un classico del genere country & western.

Nelle varie versioni è stata interpretata con varianti, è riportata nel seguito quindi una versione alternativa a quella tradotta sopra.


Versione alternativa


An old cow polk went ridin’ one dark and windy day
Upon a ranch he rested as he went along his way
When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw
A plowin’ through the ragged sky and up the cloudy draw

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Their brands were still on fire and thier hoofs were made of steel
Their horns were black and shiney and thier hot breath he could feel
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Their faces gone, their eyes were blurred , their shirts all soaked with sweat
Their rindin’ hard to catch that heard but they ain’t caught ‘em yet
‘Cause they got to ride forever in that range up in the sky
On horses snortin’ fire... as they ride they hear their cry

Ghost Riders in the Sky

As the riders loped on by him, he heard one call his name
'If you want to save your soul from hell, you’re ridin’ on that range
then cowboy, change your ways today……or with us you’ll ride on
tryin’ to catch the devil’s herd across the endless sky'
Yippee-I-Yay (Yippee-I-Yay)
Yippee-I-Yo (Yippee-I-Yo)
Ghost Riders in the Sky



© Traduzione Alberto Maurizio Truffi Maggio 2002 - Musica & Memoria



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