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Musica & Memoria Album fotografico Sylvie Vartan





Vedi anche è Sonny & Cher, Joan Armatrading, Beatles e Rolling Stones, Pentangle, Sylvie Videoclip


Un peu de tendresse

Sha La La

Deux enfants

Les vacances se suivent *

Twiste et Chante

Quand le film est triste *

La plus belle pour aller danser

Comme un garçon

Pour amour, pour pitie

Come un ragazzo



La Maritza

Blam Blam Blam

Baby Capone
LP A Nashville
Copertina per Annabelle
(Anni '60)
LP Fantasie

Immagine originale di  Jean Marie Perier
per la copertina di La plus belle (1964)
Immagine originale tratta dalla serie di scatti di Jean Marie Perier
per la copertina di Sha La La (1964)
Sylvie Vartan e Françoise Hardy in una immagine
della seconda metà degli anni '60
* Copertina del disco pubblicato in Italia


© Musica & Memoria Gennaio 2013



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PUBLISHED IMAGES - The contents of this non-profit site are free, the site has the aim of spreading the culture of music and the images are complementary to the texts for educational, critical and discussion purposes, as required by current Italian law 633/41 on the regulation of copyright (art.70 of Chapter V - Free uses). For non-original images inserted, a copyright restriction has not been identified in good faith. If they are under copyright without our knowledge, it is possible to report it to the webmaster who will promptly remove them, if requested. For detailed information see the DISCLAIMER